Invitation to a Workshop in Istanbul, Turkey
April 11-12 2008
Task Force Paediatric Curriculum and Competences
Task Force Paediatric Subspecialties
Task Force Paediatric practice
In the forthcoming workshop in Istanbul on April 11th-12th, paediatricians and experts in medical education will be invited to discuss and collaboratively establish a provisional framework of core competences (learning outcomes) for paediatrics specialist training in Europe. The expert group will build upon the final framework of medical graduate competences developed by the Tuning (Medicine) project as part of the MEDINE Thematic Network which has now been validated by an Expert Panel of medical educators to the European Commission. Further detail of the project is available from a recent paper in Medical Teacher (see below) and the outcomes will be officially launched at the AMEE 2008 Conference in Prague (30th August-3rd September).