Fourteen hundred pediatricians are registered but effectively only a thousand practice due to the fact that the profession has been virtually abandoned, is poorly respected, very demanding and unfulfilling.
- 60% practice on a part time, poorly paid self-employed basis (having other activities)
- 20% practice in hospitals
- 20% practice in hospital related situations.
The pediatric profession which originated in the nineteenth century has always been considered by the authorities as a complementary, even minor, profession.
Nowadays giving proper care to children and their families will reduce the risk of illnesses in adult life such as asthma, obesity and learning difficulties
The pediatrician is not just a junior doctor looking after small babies with minor illnesses, but an important physician.
The growing number of women practicing in this profession also raises a problem; in fact women currently form a third of the experienced pediatricians. Within twenty years, this figure is expected to rise to two thirds, the majority of whom will only practice part time so as to enable them to bring up and care for their own children.
In practice almost six full-time pediatricians would be needed to guarantee round-the-clock care throughout the year.
Lists of paediatric centres / associations
Dr. Daniële Hasaerts
AZ Kinderen, UZ VUB
Laarbeeklaan 101 - 1090 Brussel
Tel: +32 (02) 477.60.62
Fax: +32 (02) 477.60.74
Email: Danielle.Hasaerts@az.vub.ac.be
Prof. Dr. Lieven Lagae
Universitair Ziekenhuis Gasthuisberg
Dienst Kinderneurologie
Herestraat 49 - 3000 Leuven
Tel:016/ 34 38 45
Fax:016/ 34 38 42
Email: lieven.lagae@uz.kuleuven.ac.be