There are about 10 000 pediatricians certified by the Ministry of Health in Turkey.
1. Is the paediatric practice public or private?
Pediatric practice is both public and private. Doctors (pediatricians) can
practice in their private offices or private hospitals/heath centres
work full time at public hospitals (university or state hospitals) or
work part time in public hospitals and part time have their private practice.
3. Is the paediatric practice only confided to paediatrician or can a general practitioner take it in charge?
Children (pediatric patients) can apply for medical care either to
- Public hospitals,
- Public primary care services (where general practitioners work) or
- Private offices (or private hospitals)
Immunisations are given free of charge in primary care and public hospitals.
4. Lists of paediatric centres / associations
There are 50 medical schools (each with pediatric departments) and more than
800 state hospitals in the country where pediatricians work.
There are 42 Training Hospitals for pediatric residency training, in addition to universities.