Leader: the European Medical Association (EMA) – Belgium
I – General Objectives
1 - To generate an effective ICT, ODL and database management system
2 - To allow target groups to cooperate, share information and educational schemes.
II - Outputs and products
1 - Interactive project website that allows for
- Generic browsing and searching
- User-specific personal login and uploading of information
- individual assignment of access level to each piece of data
- public
- partners
- board members
- owner
- custom categories
- Cross-referncing data on the various parameters including
- specific countries involved
- individual project activities that generated the data
- relevant Task Forces
- relevant internet links
- relevant news
- Categorizing the data as
- activities
- documents
- outputs
- links
- news
- Long-term maintenance for dissemination and self-running beyond the project period
- Generation of a browsable CD at any stage
2 - Smooth flow of management information (amounting to 2163 message threads of 10.977 Kb compressed unformatted text)
3 - A Pediatric Who's who interactive database for information exchange between members of all relevant target groups, providing
- a source of information,
- a way to facilitate qualified contacts,
- a tool to find out specific knowledge and competences.
4 - Brochures, books, articles, digital presentations and collections available through the website
III. - Final objectives
1 - Widely accessible ordered set of cross-referenced information on all aspects of paediatric education and practice
2 - Transparency of education schemes
3 - Enhanced interaction among professionals, patients, developers and stakeholders in the field
4 - Promotion of ICT in paediatric teaching and practice