EUROPET Board meeting
Thursday July 20th, 2006
at 12 cet
by Telephone conference call
call: +358 20699101
Passcode: 263514 and press #
1. Minutes from the previous meeting, in Riga June 17the 2006 (Olli will send you before the meeting to check)
2. Reports and update of the plans from Task Force leaders:
a. Colette: Curricula and competences
- collaboration with CESP and A.Cummings/Medine
b. Vincenzo: European practice
c. Vincezo: website
d. Winrich: regional, European/beyond and industry collaboration, spin offs
e. Csongor: Subspecialities
(Please write asap summaries for the TF activities which we can put on the website and which I can include in the report from the Riga meeting to be distributed to the partners)
3. Current status: Website, brochure, poster
4. Spin offs: update and comments and plans:
- oncology project (comments Winrich, Csongor)
- medication safety (Winrich)
- web-based educational course on pediatric infectious diseases (Olli)
- Music therapy (Winrich)
- pedodontics (Csongor)
- Obesity (Colette)
5. New members:
- application from Ankara Unversity, prof. Sabri Kemahli
- CESP ? prof. Jose Ramet
- who will contact possible new candidates
- an updated list of current members will be sent to you on August1
6. Next meetings: Discussion on and decisions:
a. Workshops
- aim is to have 1-2 workshops before the end of November this year, which we can include into next report.
- Colette aims to have one meeting on TF in early autumn
- when we plan to have a meeting one has to present:
- place and date of the meeting
- topic of the meeting, with preliminary planned programme
- number of participants
- a financial plan
- local organiser / responsible person from the board
- board must accept the meeting in beforehand
- if it is a fairly big meeting there has to be a preparatory meeting 2-3 months before by the board members to check that everything is OK
b. General meetings and General Assembly
In Riga we agreed after some discussions to have a General Meeting in Gelsenkirchen Germany in June 1-3 2007. Winrich will summarise the current status of this.
We also discussed to have another General Meeting with General Assembly in Romania, Cluj with prof. Andrei Achimas as the local organiser in September 2007.
7. Any other matters
8. Next board meetings
- by telephone: Monday August 21 at 12 cet (Olli and Colette may have a meeting with prof. Ramet from CESP that day, should know by Thursday)
- per person at AMEE meeting in Genova, Italy on Saturday September 16 (Vincenzo will organise the room and access for those who do not participate in the AMEE meeting)
- telephone Monday October 23 at 12 cet
- telephone Monday November 20 at 12 cet
- telephone Monday December 18 at 12 cet