Methods and Applications of Music Therapy in Paediatrics - Collection by Profs. Breipohl and Haus
Music therapy in audiology
Music therapy in neuropediatrics
Music therapy theories and approaches
Music therapy in perinatal medicine
Music therapy with prematures
Music therapy in oncology
Music therapy in der Frühforderung
Music therapy for children under respirators care
Music therapy for children autistic spectrum disorder
Music therapy history training and practice in Europe
Methods of Nordoff-Robbins Music therapy with develppmentally delayed and handicapped children
Methods of Nordoff-Robbins Music therapy in neuropediatrics
Current challenges of Music Therapy as profession
Dr. P. Hoffmann Creative Music Therapy
Music therapy for autistic spectrum disorder
Music therapy for skizofrenia
Impro Techniques Bruscia Music and Images
Introductory Meeting
Music therapy
Oncology concerts The value of musical stucture and musical form
Evidence Based Practice
Social structure of music
Aktive Musiktherapie bei chronischen Schmerzen
Finnish music therapy practice
Music therapy training in Finland
Music therapy improvisations The Jyväskylä model
The evidence of music immanent effects
Music therapy in adult psychiatry
Music therapy in the assesment and treatment of autistic spectrum disorder
Zeitgestaltung und Musiktherapie
Music therapy in Europe