EUROPET Board meeting #05
Thursday August 21st, 2006
at 12 cet
by Telephone conference call
call: +358 20699101
Meeting Code: 445436 and press #
1. Opening of the meeting
2. Minutes from the telephone meeting July 20th 2006
3. Task Forces: Reports and update of the plans from leaders:
a. TF1: Curricula and competences
b. TF2: European practice
c. TF3: Website, brochure, poster
d. TF4: Regional, European/beyond and industry collaboration, spin offs
e. TF5: Subspecialities
4. Working Majors: a draft of description prepared by W.B. and O.V., sent by email
Spin offs:
- oncology project (W.B., C.K.)
- medication safety (W.B.)
- web-based educational course on pediatric infectious diseases (O.V.)
- Music therapy (W.B.)
- pedodontics (C.K.)
- Obesity (C.C.)
An application from Reiner Haus to increase the support for Music Therapy from 5000 to 7000 euro.
5. New members:
- Procedure to invite new members. A draft of selection criteria and decision making.
- Regulations from the EU Commission: any change in partnership is subject to a formal amendment: any partner whose name does not appear in the original application has to be approved in advance in writing by the Commission.
Currently new partners that have not yet been approved officially are: University of Parma (IT), University of Ankara (TR), University of Maribor (SL).
In discussion: CESP, University of Cadiz (ES), University of Udine (IT)
6. Budget
7. Next meetings:
a. Collaboration with CESP: O.V., C.C. and C.K. will meet with the President of CESP prof. Ramet in Brussels on Sept 4th.
b. Workshops:
TF1 and TF5: October 13.-14.: Kosice, (SK), Local org.:L. Mirossay; responsible Board members: C.C. and C.K.
TF1 and TF5: October 27.-28.: Gadiz (ES), Local org.: F.R. Sanchez; responsible Board members: C.C. and C.K.
c. Annual Meetings and General Assembly
Annual Meeting in Gelsenkirchen, Germany in June 1-3 2007, responsible Board member: W.B.
General Assembly in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, with prof. Andrei Achimas as the local organiser in October/November 2007, responsible Board member:O.V.
8. Any other matters
9. Next board meetings:
- Saturday September 16th at AMEE meeting in Genova, Italy: at 16.30-19.30
- telephone Wednesday October 25 at 12 cet
- telephone Monday November 20 at 12 cet
- telephone Monday December 18 at 12 cet