Prof. Dr. med. Winrich BREIPOHL (breipohl@iat.eu)
until 08.2006: University of Bonn, DE
until 06.2008: also Univ. Applied Sciences Gelsenkirchen, DE
after 20.06.08: solely Univ. Applied Sciences Gelsenkirchen, DE
I - General objectives
- General Bologna related activities and policies
- Innovative new curricula and research based paediatric related spin offs
- Contributions to transversal policies amongst others with specific focus on ethnic and cultural differences and desired cooperations with the Turkish Society of Medical Education, and regional (central, southern, eastern/CEE and northern/Baltic Europe), European, Trans- and beyond European and Industry cooperation and networking.
The above topics would include as well:
- Bologna forth developments (also together with other partners)
- Promoting initial Europet working majors as well as to initiate spin offs in research, education, professional practice, and the employment sector.
- Disseminating EUROPET working outcomes to specific target groups and decision
- makers.
- EUROPET membership development and activation.
- Balanced EUROPET partnership involvement and expertise development all over Europe.
- EHEA-ERA development in Paediatrics in agreement with European societal and environmental values.
- Sustainable intercultural acceptable global health development strategies in agreement with UN MDGs, WHO policies and other relevant international concepts.
III - Outputs and products
- Implementation of specific networking with existing and new networks and enterprise
- Monitoring of EUROPET spin offs and networking outcomes.Medication and Patient Safety (Breipohl and Grandt)
- Public Health, Health Service, Health Economy (v. Bandemer, Breipohl, Hilbert)
- Intercultural acceptance (Breipohl and Schröder)
- European Health Cooperations with Turkey (v. Bandemer, Breipohl, Mavis Richter)
- Complementary Medicine (EC Roadmap Application with EMA, Univ. Witten Herdecke, and Viadrina University
- Frankfurt-Oder)
- Prevention of Childhod Obesity (with Proff. Creusy, Fr. and Molina, It)
- Paediatric oncology (with Prof. Kiss, Hu)
- Molecular Diagnostics (with EMA, IAT, Proff. Golubnitschaja and Schneider)
- Special diagnostic and care concepts for autistic children (with H. und J. Baumgardt, Kiel)
- Arts Therapy (Breipohl, Vilka, Wohler, University Alfter)
- Music Therapy in Paediatrics (Breipohl and Haus)